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Fluorescence Correlation Spectrometer CorTector CX 4000 Seriers

Fluorescence Correlation Spectrometer CorTector SX-B Seriers

Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy Single Molecule Analyzer SX Series

The world's first desktop fluorescence correlation spectrometer, integrated all-in-one instrument, no need to use with a microscope, selected as the first batch of recommended domestic instrument catalog by the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and is a high-tech and famous product of Guangdong Province.

Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy Single Molecule Analyzer CX Series

The module can be combined with a wide field, confocal, total internal reflection, multiphoton, light sheet, and STED super-resolution microscopy platforms to integrate fluorescence spectroscopy with single molecule resolution into the advantages of each fluorescence microscopy imaging mode. Detection of molecular molar concentration and interaction affinity (Kd value) in living cells Quantitative analysis of molecular and nanoparticle properties in cell lysates or solution samples The world's first commercial single-molecule fluorescence research instrument

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Zhongke Aohui leads the industry with innovation and serves the society with science and technology

Company name: Guangdong Zhongke Aohui Technology Co., LTD
Company telephone:0760-88287898
Company Address: Floor 3, Building 2, Cuihai Dao East Sanwei GMP Workshop, Cuiheng New District, Zhongshan City, Guangdong Province

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