Technology Introduction
1. Technology development history
2. Technical characteristics
Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy; FCS) technology can quantitatively detect the concentration, hydrodynamic radius and interaction characteristics of molecules in micro (5 microliters) solution samples or single living cells at single molecule resolution, and can be widely used in research fields such as cell signaling mechanism, biomolecular denaturation focusing, liquid-liquid phase separation of biological macromolecules, antibody screening, pathogen detection, disease marker detection, enzyme activity detection, fluorescent probe characterization, nanoparticle characterization, exosome analysis, polymer analysis, microfluidic technology development and other research fields.
3. Technical application
General Applications:
Single molecule fluorescence analysis in solution samples or cell lysate
Analysis of molecular interactions in solution samples or cell lysate
Particle size (hydrodynamic radius) detection of molecules or nanoparticles
Ultra-sensitive detection of relative and absolute concentrations of molecules or nanoparticles
Dedicated Applications:
Liquid-liquid phase separation of biological macromolecules
Single-molecule study of the dynamic structure-functional mechanism of biological macromolecules
Physical and fluorescence characterization of fluorescent probe molecules or nanoparticles
Molecular interaction studies of cell signaling mechanisms and drug discovery
4. Application fields
Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy (FCS) has a wide range of applications in biology, medicine, chemistry, materials science, drug discovery, photophysics, micro-nanoscience and other fields. There are more than 12900,<> academic papers in PubMed that apply FCS and its derivatives. As long as it can be fluorescently labeled, FCS can detect the molar concentration, diffusion coefficient/hydrodynamic radius, interaction affinity, dynamic conformation, and conformational slew rate of chemical small molecules, biological macromolecules, viruses, nanoparticles, bacteria, etc. in solution samples or single living cells. |
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Determination of relative and absolute molar concentrations of biological macromolecules such as proteins and nucleic acids; Detection of affinity (KD) and chemical kinetic constants (KON,KOFF) of binding reactions such as biological macromolecules, small molecules-biomacromolecules, and biomacromolecules-viruses/nanoparticles; Diffusion coefficient/hydrodynamic radius detection of biological macromolecules; protein molecule denaturing aggregation analysis; Liquid-liquid phase separation of biological macromolecules; Phospholipid bilayer phase transition study, etc.
Cell Biology
The application of solution or cell lysate samples to study the molecular concentration and molecular interaction changes under the regulation of specific cell signaling mechanisms can complement and replace traditional cell biology techniques, such as Co-Immunoprecipitation, Western Blot, etc.
Structural Biology
Single-molecule FRET (smFRET) experiments performed in solution samples or cell lysates can resolve the dynamic structure-function mechanism of biological macromolecules, including conformational analysis of biological macromolecules and determination of conformational transition kinetic constants; The dynamic structure-function mechanism of biological macromolecules obtained by smFRET experiments is a key supplement to the static structure-function mechanism obtained by X-ray diffraction, cryo-EM and other techniques.
Drug discovery
Detection of affinity and chemical kinetic constants of small molecule or biological macromolecule drugs binding to targets; Stability and metabolic analysis of nanomedicines or biopharmaceuticals in physiological solutions (plasma, whole blood, etc.); Denature, aggregation and stability analysis of biological drugs, etc.
Detection of optical quantum efficiency, photoquenching efficiency, single-triplet conversion kinetics, fluorescence scintillation (blinking) kinetics, photoconversion mechanism of novel fluorescent probe molecules or nanoparticles. Analysis of particle size-photophysical characteristics of novel nanofluorescent probes (such as quantum dots, carbon nanodots, gold nanodots, aggregated luminescent materials, etc.).
Equilibrium constant and kinetic constant detection of chemical reactions; diffusion coefficient/structure analysis of polymers; Analysis of the ionic concentration, viscosity and other characteristics of the buffer; Analysis of molecular/nanoparticle diffusion characteristics in hydrogels and other colloids, etc.
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Zhongke Aohui leads the industry with innovation and serves the society with science and technology

Company name: Guangdong Zhongke Aohui Technology Co., LTD
Company telephone:0760-88287898
Company Address: Floor 3, Building 2, Cuihai Dao East Sanwei GMP Workshop, Cuiheng New District, Zhongshan City, Guangdong Province
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